ICO, Total Supply, Peer-to-Peer Trading

The rise of cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies: understanding the main concepts

In recent years, cryptocurrency has emerged as a breeding landscape. With the decentralized rathes of adoption and institutional institutional, blockcha technologies captivated investors’ attention, Duals Duals worldwide. Two of the most poptoCurrencies are Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), it is the revolution.

What is a cryptocurrency?

A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that encryption not persecuted for safety and is decentralized, which means it is not controlled by any government. The first cryptocurrency was Bitcoin, funded in 2009 by an individual or group, use the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto. These remarkable cryptocurrencies include Litecoin (LTC), Moneto (XMR) and Dogecoin (Doge).

What is an initial offer of coins (OIC)?

An OIC is an emitted type token sale to create a project, prodct or service. The process of creating the same asset assets and the same emission emit an on -line platform, which allows and for trd is tokens.

The ICOs were introduced in 2014 by Charles Hoskinson, one of Etherum’s co-founders. The concept has gained popularity, with numerous illuminated icos between Varius Industries, including games, finance and medical assistance.

Total Supply

The total supply (TSS) for the maximum number of currencies or tokens that will be run over. This is usually indicated in the whiteness of a coin or materials or materials. TSSS can significantly impact the value of a token over time in its limited offer.

For example, Ethereum’s TSS 1 Bilion has moved away, but the juices of Eth/ETH’s inauguration and loans programs, the total offer went to 137 lion.

Point to point negotiation *

Point to point negotiation (P2P) refers to some and selling digits directly among individuals, ignoring the intermediates Orex. This model is gaining strength in the increase, registration and increased user experience.

Include on P2P platforms include:

  • Cronos Network :


  • Bitmex : A decentralized (DEX) change that provides P2P trading options for cryptocurren.

Benefits of negotiation point to point *

The benefits of point to point negotiation include:


  • greater effectiveness : faster and more convenient transactions due to communication and sales communication.

  • Improve user experience : Interact directly with the brand, allowing a better decision making.

Challenges and concerns

By negotiating many benefits, also with some and concerns:


  • Security Rashks : Negotiation directly on unregulated platforms increases speech violations or reaching atns.

  • Market volatility : Marked cryptocurrency can be a volatile purchase for press users.


The world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies is evolving quickly, with new innovations and application regularly.

Ethereum Ripemd Were Broken Compromised


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