Ethereum: How do you make the unicode Bitcoin symbol show correctly in text on Linux?

How to show the Unicode -Bitcoin symbol from Ethereum properly under Linux

As cryptocurrency enthusiasts and users of the Ethereum platform, you probably have addressed problems with the official Bitcoin symbol (₿) in your text messages or online communication. While many people have reported to use different problems to solve this problem, the underlying problem lies in how some operating systems unicode signs interpret.

In this article we will examine the reasons for this behavior and give step-by-step instructions for correct display of the Bitcoin icon from Ethereum in the text under Linux.

The problem with Unicode sign

The Bitcoin symbol is represented by U+20BF, which is a unicode sign. In most modern operating systems, including Linux, this character is treated as a placeholder or empty box. This means that when trying to copy the sign into your text editor or inserting or a new message in your preferred E -Mail client, not being displayed as anything.

Why does that happen?

There are several reasons why Linux Unicode characters may not show correctly:

  • character coding

    : Linux uses the UTF-8-sign coding standard, which enables a variety of Unicode characters. However, this coding can sometimes lead to problems if they are combined with other operating system settings.

  • Text formatting : Linux-text editors and terminals can use simple text formatting techniques that ignore or cut out non-standard UNICODE characters.

Solutions to the correct Bitcoin symbol

To correctly display the Bitcoin symbol from Ethereum in text under Linux, try these solutions:

1. Set the text coding

Use the “Setfont” command to set the text coding for your terminal or editor:


Sudo Setfont -F "Latin-ISO 8859-15"

This puts the font on Latin-ISO 8859-15, which is a coding used by Linux. You can select other codes such as “UTF-8," ISO 8859-1 "or even" Latin1 "if you prefer it.

2. Use a terminal with native support

If you use a terminal emulator that does not support Native Unicode Rendering (e.g. "Xterm", "ZSH"), switch to an alternative terminal like "Gnom Terminal" or "Kitty".

3. Configure your text editor

Für Textredakteure wie "Vim", "emacs" oder "nano" können Sie die Zeichenkodierung manuell konfigurieren:


VIM -Einstellungen

Setzen Sie Coding = UTF-8

Set Shiftwidth = 4


Alternatively, you can also use iconv to set the drawing coding:


iconv -f utf -8 -t latin1 your_file.txt>

4. Use a browser extension

Some web browsers such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox have integrated support for unicode characters in their text rendering. To activate this, you can use the “Unicode displayexpansion:


Sudo Add-AP-Repository PPA: Ubuntu-Factory-Proposed-PPA

Sudo apt-Get update

Install Sudo apt-Get chrome browser

Install the extension and then access your website with Chrome or Firefox.

5. Use a non-Latin sign set

If none of the above solutions work, you may need to use a non-Latin sign like “UTF-16” or “Windows-1256”. However, note that this can lead to compatibility problems and potential security gaps.


The correct display of Ethereum Bitcoin symbol in the text under Linux requires some experiments with different settings and configurations. By setting the text coding, using a terminal emulator, the configuration of your text editor, installing browser extensions or switching to a non-Latin drawing, you should be able to fix this problem and enjoy properly unicode support.

Remember to test every solution thoroughly to ensure that it works for your specific setup. Happy Cryptocurrency Messaging!



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