Bitcoin: Why can I not find my transaction in the mempool?

Bitcoin: Why can’t I find my transaction in mempool?

As a Bitcoin user, you are probably not a foreigner concept of transactions and their storage in the mempool. However, there may be several reasons why your transaction may not be visible in the mempool. In this article, we will explore some possible causes and solutions that will help solve the problem.

What is a mempool?

Mempool is a temporary storage space used by bitcoin nodes to store unconfirmed transactions before being confirmed. This is basically waiting for transactions that need to be checked and included in the block before adding to blockchain. The mempool is maintained by the Bitcoin network, which periodically cleanses old or invalid transactions.

Why can’t I find my transaction in a mempool?

There are several reasons why your transaction may not be visible in the mempool:

  • Transation : If your transaction has been created and aired prematurely (eg within a few hours of mining), it may be removed from the mempool before reaching a sufficient number of certificates.

  • Invalid or established transactions : If the transaction is invalid, incomplete or reached maximum age, it may not be included in the mempool.


decodes your transaction

You have already decoded your transaction into a human readable format, which is great. This tells you exactly what happens to your transaction in terms of his state (eg, confirmed unconfirmed). Here’s an example of decoding:



“version”: “02000000”,

“Marker”: “00”,

// …



Understanding Segwit Transactions

As you have built the original Segwit Raw V2 transaction using PWPKH addresses (which are probably shortened versions of your private keys), it is possible that the decode specified may not have caught all the details before. Here's an example of decoding for segwit transaction:



“version”: “02000000”,

“Type”: “T”,

“Target”: “”,

“Time mark”: 1643723400,

“Priority”: 10,

“Vch”: [


“TXID”: “1234567890ABCDEF”,

“Hash”: “1234567890ABCDEF”,

“Size”: 100


, ,,

// …



Tips to solve the problem

  • Check the transaction certificate : Make sure you check the transaction confirmation time and did not reach the maximum age (ie 10 minutes in this example).

  • Check the validity of the transaction : Make sure your transaction is completed, including all the required fields (eg time mark, priority).

  • Review the Mepool Records : Look at the Mampool Record to see which transactions added and when.

  • Try a different knot or network : Sometimes problems can be specific to individual nodes or nets. Try to connect with another knot or move to a new network.

  • Wait confirmation : Sometimes it takes time for transactions to come up with sufficient certificates before being visible in the mempool.


Finding your transactions in mempool may seem a mysterious phenomenon, but with some basic knowledge and steps of solving problems you can recognize potential causes and solve problems. Understanding the shades of bitcoin transactions, including the format of decoding and priority rules, you will be better equipped to move on the complexity of mempool.


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