Ethereum: VB.NET order binance keep getting error 400

I can help you troubleshoot the error code 400 using the Binance API in VB.NET.

Error 400: Command Issue

A “Command issue” error usually occurs when there is a problem with the command or data sent to the API. Here are some possible causes and solutions:

  • Invalid API Key: Make sure you are using the correct API key. Check that the key is spelled correctly and that the API endpoint is correct (e.g.
  • Invalid Endpoint: Make sure the API endpoint you are using is correct (e.g. ` and corresponds to the action you are trying to perform (e.g. sell order, buy market order, etc.).
  • Invalid Parameters

    : Check that all parameters are included correctly. In this case, you are using the “orderType” parameter with the value “sell”. Make sure that its value is set to “sell” instead of “buy”.

Here is some sample code to get you started:

Import BinanceAPI

Class OrderBinance VB.NET

Sub Main()

Dim apiKey As String = "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" ' replace with your API key

Dim apiSecret As String = "YOUR_API_SECRET_HERE" ' replace with your API secret

Dim binanceApi = New BinanceAPI(apiKey, apiSecret)

' Set the order type to sell (you can also set it to buy)

Dim orderType As String = "sell"

' Set the symbol and quantity

No symbol As String = "ETHUDT"

Dim quantity As String = "0.1" ' 100 units

' Create a new order

No order As BinanceAPI.Order


order = binanceApi.CreateOrder(ordertype, symbol, quantity, "sell")

If order.Success Then

Console.WriteLine("Order created successfully!")


Console.WriteLine("Error creating order: " & order.Error.Message)

End If

Catch ex As Exception


End Try

End Sub

End Class

Additional Tips

  • Make sure you are using the latest version of the Binance API library (e.g. “BinanceAPI” from NuGet).
  • Consider adding error handling to your code to catch any exceptions.
  • If you are still having issues, try searching for similar issues on the Binance API forums or Stack Overflow.

By following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue that is causing the command error when submitting a sell order using the Binance API in VB.NET.

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