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Ethereum: Get the price of a currency at specific time in the past using binance historical data api
Querying Binance Historical Data API at a specific time and date
Yes, that’s right. The Binance API provides historical data for various cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum (ETH). However, the query you want to make is a bit unusual – you want to retrieve the price of a specific cryptocurrency at a specific time in the past using historical data.
Is such a query possible?
While the Binance Historical Data API allows you to access historical prices for different cryptocurrencies and time intervals (e.g. daily, weekly), it does not directly support retrieving prices at specific times. The API returns price data for a specific time interval, but not necessarily for a specific date or time.
How can we achieve this?
If you want to query the Binance API at a specific time and date, you will need to use a programming language that supports querying APIs using APIs. In this case, I recommend using Python due to its ease of use and extensive libraries.
Here is a sample code snippet to get you started:
import requests
Set your Binance API IDapi_key = 'your_api_key'
api_secret = 'your_api_secret'
Set a specific cryptocurrency and time interval (e.g. ETH-1h)cryptocurrency = 'eth'
time_interval = '1h'
1 hour ago to today
Create an API request URLurl = f' historical candlestick/ETH/{time_interval}'
Set the Binance API endpoint and headers (optional)headers = {
'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key},
"Content-Type": "application/json"
Send a GET requestresponse = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
Check if successful responseif response.status_code == 200:
Parse the JSON datadata = response.json()
Extract the price (ETH-1h) from the data.prices = data['candles']
for candle price:
if candle['symbol'] == cryptocurrency and candle['time'].split(' ')[0] == '1103':
print(f'Price of {cryptocurrency} at 1103 hours on Friday, August 31, 2018: ${candle["close"]}')
print(f'Data retrieval failed. Status code: {response.status_code}')
How it works
- We construct the API request URL using the “eth” cryptocurrency and the “1h” time slot.
- We set our Binance API credentials, including the API key and secret.
- We send a GET request to the API endpoint with the specified headers (optional).
- If the response is successful, we parse the JSON data from the response body.
- We iterate over the candlestick prices of the
eth' cryptocurrency and check if the given price matches our target time frame (
1103 hours Friday, August 31, 2018).
Please note that this snippet assumes that you have the necessary dependencies installed (e.g.requests’, `json’ library). You may need to modify the API endpoint and headers as needed.
Additional Notes
- Make sure you handle errors properly, such as checking if the response was successful or parsing the JSON data properly.
- Consider implementing error handling measures to reduce potential issues with the API request.
- This snippet is just a starting point. You may need to adjust it to meet your specific requirements and change the time interval or cryptocurrency accordingly.