Metamask: eth_estimategas strange behaviour in Metamask


I am performing a test suite with Hardhat that uses Metamask for web3 interactions. The problem is relatively rare but has been reported by some users. Here is a step-by-step guide to solve the problem and what caused it.

passage 1: Understanding the problem

When selecting the contract token from the Metamask settings in the hardhat test, then click on “Send” to transfer ETERE (ETH), you will notice strange behavior in the coach output. In particular, you could see an error message like this:


Error: Uncounable call metadata

This can be fairly frustrating if it affects the functionality of the test.

passage 2: investigate and identify the problem

To identify the problem, follow these steps:

  • Check the Metamask settings: make sure you have selected the contract token in the Metamask settings. The "Send" button should be labeled with the contract address.

  • Check the functions of the contract : make sure that the contract has at least one function that can be called using theEth_SeNDRAWTRESSING CONTABLE '(for example,)) method. You can verify it by performing the contract on the local network usingnpx hardhat run scrapts/contract.js.

  • Check the details of the transaction: inspect the details of the transaction in the output of the console to confirm that it corresponds to what is expected.

Step 3: Test and Debug

To test and debut, follow these additional steps:

  • Test with a simple call : call the function of the contract usingEth_SendraWTransation with only the token address as a topic (for example, `Eth_SendraWtransation ('0x ...')). This should trigger any necessary transactions.

  • Add console recording : Add a little console recording to check that the transaction is created and sent correctly:


Const TX = Waiting for YourcontTract.Methods.transfer (0x …). Send ({from: ‘0x …’});

Console.log (TX);



passage 4: Resolution and Refactor

If you find a mistake, try solving it from:


  • Ensure that the contract is correctly implemented and distributed on the network.

  • Check that your test suite is not causing conflicts with other tests.

Example of use of the case

To reproduce this problem, you can create a simple contract as so:


Const Web3 = Requirements (‘Web3’);

Const Web3 = New Web3 (New Web3.providers.httpprovider (‘

Const MyContract = Artifacts.Require (‘Myer20Contract’);

Module.exports main () {

Return New Promise ((Resolve, Reject) => {

Const ContrattattAdress = ‘0x …’;

Web3.eth.Sendransation ({

From: ‘0x …’, // address of the sender

A: contraddress,

Value: web3.towei (1, ‘Ether’),

Gas: 20000,

}, (Error, transactionhash) => {

IF (! Error && Transactionhash! == Null) {

Console.log (‘success transaction’);


} other {

console.error (‘Error:’, error);

refuse (error);






In this example, replace the PlacementYour_project_id` with your actual infinal project.


The problem of the estimate of metamask tokens can be difficult to diagnose and resolve. This guide should help you identify the problem by following these steps. However, if you are still facing problems or you need further assistance, please contact our community team or support team to ask for help.


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