Ethereum: How to create a futures limit order together with take profit and stop loss on binance?

Border Border Orders for Binance Futuries: Step -by -step guide

As an aspirant Futures dealer, it is necessary to manage tradegies, including creating border orders wth profit and sets setings. Howver, navigating the complexities of the Binance aplication interface can be bears, especial for errors. In this article, we will give you throug


  • Create a Binance account if you don’t have it

  • Set a suitable pair of trade (eg EUR/USD).


Step 1: Understand Border Orders

A border is an anorder that defins theors at what asset by the asset between or sell, as well as the amount. When you crate a boarder profit and end your loss settings:

* Take a profit: Set theory that you aways the target level.

* End Loss: Set the prime any losses to enter a new STOP loss order.

Step 2: Create a limit order

To this way a boundy thees Steps Binance:

  • Log in to your Binance account and go to the Futuri Trade page.

  • Select the story you want to the create a limit order (eg EUR/USD).

  • Click “Market” or “Limit” to determin the order type.

  • In the “Order” Restruction Ordinance “in the” Order Type “menu.

  • Write the following details:

* Side: Buy or sell

* Type: Restion order (market, limit or end)

* Price:

* Quantity:

Number of units

Step 3: Set the win and stop loss settings

Set the Profit and Stop Loss -settings:

  • In theme limitor order window, click “Add condition” (or press Ctrl + Shift + C).

  • From the drop -down menu, the sales “Take a Profit”.

  • Enter the target for the story of the story you want to exit (take the winning level).

  • Set the STOP Loss price for above.

  • Set a certain amount of time (in seconds) before ordering theorder.

Step 4: Check and confirm your order

Carefully check the limit order settings:

  • Check that

    Type ,
    Price and
    Quantity Fields meet yours.

  • Make of you 10.

General errors that to be beared

When you crate a Binance limit order:

* Error: Invalid Takeprofit orStoplossPrice

+ Solution: Check the company, target price and stop loss price.

* Error: Invalid “page”, “type” or “quantity”

+ Solution: Carefully check your story and ensure the correct values.

Additional tips

Improve Border Order Management Binance:

* Use the reliable API : Make of the the family on your aplication is an not expired or cancel.

* Set your account settings : Set the trading pair, symbol and an access to optimize performance.

* Observe your orders : Keep an eye on your orders on the “Orders” tab to detect errors or problems.


Creating a boarder and With Binance’s Futurial Trading and Ending Regulations requires attension to details and proper installation. By following thees, you can effectively manage Remember to just to date with the the Binance application interface and restructures to avoid errors and ensure yourss.

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