Metamask: Can hardhat deploy contract by metamask?

Metamask: Can Hardhat install a contract according to Metamask?

As a familiar developer of web3 and Hardhat, he is probably aware of the importance of installing smart contracts on the blockchain network. However, with the help of Metamask, installing contracts on a live network can be difficult, especially for those who are new on Web3. In this article, we examine that it is possible to install contracts with the help of Metamask and give advice on it.

What is metamask?

Metamask is an open source browser extension that allows users to interact with the Ethereum blockchain. This allows users to send and from the local portfolio to Ether (ETH) and other cryptocurrencies, as well as display the transaction history and inspection accounts. Metamask can also create a “Metamask portfolio” that serves as a bridge between the local portfolio and the Ethereum network.

Installation of contracts with metamask

In order to install contracts on a live network using Metamask, you must use Hardhat, the popular EVM running time (Ethereum virtual machine). Here is a review of the affected steps:

  • Install Hardhat

    : Make sure you install Hardhat in the project by implementing “NPM Install Hardhat” or “yarn add hard”.

  • Configures Metamask : In the metamask.jsonfile, enter the title, password and metamask Wallet Network (such as Ethereum mainnet). You can find these parameters on Alchemy API.

  • Create an installation configuration file : Create a new file called the root of a project calleddeportoy.js. This file contains the contract installation instructions with Hardhat.

  • Use the installation of hardhat

    : Import the@ nomicfoundation / hardhat-toolboxdirectory and determine an installation feature that uses Hardhat-Deployment to install contracts on the metamask network.

Code example

Here's an example of creating an installation configuration file:


Import {deportingconfig} of '@ nomicfoundation / hardhat-toolbox';

Import {deployer} of "@ nomiclabs / hardhat-dePloi";

Const Installations: DeportingConfig = {

Networks: {

Metamask: {

Accounts: [


Name: "Your Metamask Fund",

Privátky: the passed purse word,

URL: " The title of the Metamasque portfolio"



Gas: 2000000,

Gasprice: 10,000


Ethereum: {

Accounts: [


Name: "Your Membership of Success",

Privátky: The Ethereum Passe Competition Word,

URL: " The" Account "address of Ethers



Gas: 2000000,

Gasprice: 10,000



Moving: Installers


Export default installations;

` ‘

Can you install a contract by Métamask?

Yes, it is possible to install contracts using METAMASK with Hardhat. By entering the Metamask portfolio address and network settings, you can successfully install contracts live in the metamask.json file and use an installation configuration file similar to the above.

Keep in mind, however, that the introduction of contracts into a live network requires careful examination of security and performance. Always make sure that METAMASK’s portfolio is safe and up -to -date and to follow the proven practices of installation of contracts into the Ethereum network.

In summary, although it may seem difficult to install contracts with the help of Metamask with hardhat, this is certainly possible. By following these steps and using appropriate configuration files, you can successfully install contracts on a live network using the local Metamask portfolio.


  • Hardhat Documentation: <

  • Metamask Documentation: <

  • API API Documentation: <



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