Ethereum: Can’t get my OpenZepplin based contract from Remix to verify and publish on

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Ethereum: Remix cannot get an Openzepplin -based contract to check and publish

I have tried to get my Openzepplin -based contract to work with Remix, but I have trouble checking it and publish it on After the creation of the entry and the training of the contract, I have encountered some problems that need to be addressed.

Problem: Key Contract Questions

When I try to use my contract through Remix, I get an error message that the main group is not properly set. In particular, I see this error:

`Error: Error 0x8d6f24e7b5a1c2cd097979b4b3f7ac3dc5b76BB5F94AF94AF35Ad6bfc4bfcf74c45 ‘

I have checked my contract code and sent it correctly, but I’m not sure why Remix reports these problems.

Possible Causes and Solutions

Here are some possible reasons and solutions that can help or prevent your progress:



Invalid Remix configuration : Check that the remix is ​​correctly determined on the local machine by checking its settings in the “Settings” menu.

step by step solution

To eliminate this problem, I recommend performing these steps:

  • Please check the main investment of the contract : Double check that you have set the main contract at the correct address and that it is specified as a remix contract.


Check Remix configuration : Check that the remix is ​​correctly determined on the local machine by checking its settings in the “Settings” menu.

Publication at

If there are still problems after solving these possible causes, there are some additional measures that you can take:

  • Publicate your contract as a deployment : Be sure to publish your contract as a remix.


When you do these steps, you should be able to solve all Openzeppli -based contract placement and testing information. Good luck!



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